

Who are you?

Great question, I'm still trying to figure that one out.

More helpfully, my name is Saul Munn. I've collated some other mundane details about me, like what I look like and where I work, on my personal website.

Why "Brass Tacks"?

Four reasons:

  1. It's a cool, quirky idiom, sounds vibey, etc;
  2. It means "details of immediate practical importance." I'm deluding myself into thinking I write details of immediate practical importance, despite how remote, impractical, and unimportant they actually are;
  3. Joey Pendleton first introduced me to the phrase. He uses it a lot. I deeply respect and admire him, and the name is partly a tribute to him. and,
  4. The titular character of a TV show who decided he'd better call himself my name apparently uses it quite often. I've never watched the show, but Jack Such pointed this out to me and I thought it was hilarious.

How can I contact you?
